Why It’s Ok NOT to Miss Home

12004677_10154183705327786_1133247470394684570_n.jpgWell here we are, September 11th. I want to start this article, with a remembrance for this day.  We will all remember this day as such a sad day filled with so much loss, that has led to even more loss (NOT a political statement, but pure fact no matter how you look at it).  Bless all those affected and loss that day, and every day thereafter.

After that, I wanted to talk about leaving home.  I left my home one year ago today.  I have left before, for college, but this marks the day I left with no intentions of returning. I moved to Connecticut to be with my husband at his (our, I guess) first duty station. We now live in Georgia in our first home and I could not be much happier than I am right now!

So let’s get to the title of this… IT IS OK NOT TO MISS HOME.  I am from a little small town in Calvert County Maryland.  It is very much a town of everyone knows everyone, and alllll of their business. We have certain families that you know are from there just from the name, it’s just how it is. And I NEVER wanted to leave. I loved the area, I never had any problems like other people seem to have there and it was all I had ever known.

So when I found out I was being relocated to Connecticut I wasn’t all that happy.  I was14199570_10155142289147786_463556322951240681_n so happy to get to be with my husband again obviously, but I liked what I had in Maryland. I was working at my old high school and coaching cheerleading there. And I really loved it. But life doesn’t always take us the way we thought. SOOOO I picked up my life and moved a few hundred miles away. And I realized… THERE IS SO MUCH MORE TO THE WORLD! Calvert County isn’t everything. I have traveled some, but not enough to make me want to not live there.

Whenever anyone would ask me if I was missing home I always said ‘not really’. They said well you haven’t been gone long, or the newness will wear off. Months and months went on.. and I still didn’t miss ‘home’.  I missed a few friends and all of my family, and my cheerleaders/students.  But I didn’t miss it in a way that I wanted to be there still.  I feel if I hadn’t moved I would still be doing the same thing, maybe not married yet, living with my parents, and that’s just not right for me anymore!

It is ok to miss home. It’s where you’re from and all of your memories are connected to there. It is ALSO ok to NOT miss home.  Sometimes, home can be related to stagnant.  Sometimes if you are too comfortable it is hard to push yourself for even more. You can become too comfortable, and not persue more for yourself! Granted, I had a better job when I was still living in Maryland, I feel like I have grown so much more as a PERSON in the past year being away.

So here I am, Happy One Year Moveiversary to me! Can’t wait to see what else the world has for me.

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